
Life is fickle.  Sometimes it crowds you with demands from every angle until you bend so far you think you might break, but then, by way of a deep breath and a still knowing, you come upon

a spacious place

Mine is a wide mental prairie where I go to commune with God.  It’s where I write songs and discover truths that help me make sense of the world, and where I hear that still small voice.

welcome to my space

My home is perched on a wooded hill in the tiny town of Oronoco, Minnesota.  I share it with three kids and a husband who make it colorful and messy and never boring.  I homeschool.  I volunteer.  I chauffer A LOT.  I write and record songs about my family and faith, and I'm not above writing songs about chocolate, coffee, and personal pet peeves like facial hair and baggy skin.

I’ve written songs since I was a tween growing up in Iowa.   I’m so glad I don’t remember those 80's power ballads!  Gotta start somewhere.

I perform at all kinds of events, but I’m best at singing in the car with my kids.   That we can sing 4-part harmony is my proudest achievement! 

This blog is for those of you who take an interest in my music.  I also blog about a variety of topics from parenting and homeschooling to decorating and reading at Deeply Drawn.

 “What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight.  What I whisper in your ear, proclaim from the roofs!”
Matthew 10:27

Psalm 118:5
When hard pressed, I cried to the Lord; he brought me into a spacious place.

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